Page name: Boriqua Pride Is MINE! [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-11-11 21:48:41
Last author: maruchi
Owner: Kiss of the vampyr
# of watchers: 4
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D20: 20
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       All Boriqua's........


Welcome all Puerto Rican's
Plz feel free to invite other Boriqua's you know!

      Boriqua Pride, Baby!!!!!

Boriqua Bannerz

Member's Joined:
1.) [Kiss of the vampyr] Hey Hey! Boriqua blood is my kind!
2.) [Pyro Princezz] Boriqua pride is in me!
3.) [Ashes of Ael] Mi tierra bella es la Borinken.
4.) [Aragwyn] Boriqua pride!( Boriqua's De Pura Cepa!!! )
5.) [Inner~Weirdo]
6.) [moto]
7.) [LeTs Hav FuN]
8.) [Acomplished Exile]
9.) [boriqueno17] Gotta have your pride!
10.)[Miss Pinkki Doodles]
11.)[Diro the Snicker]
13.)[Sweet Tatia]
15.)[mutant virago]
If ya wish ya were then here ya go!
17.)[A Dragons Hero] i gotta support my girlfriend.. and on top of that ... cuz of P.R.... my girlfriend is so freaking SEXY! WOO HOO!
18.)[Sweet Intoxication] I never knew there was a Boricua wiki! this is awesome!! very spiffy

Username (or number or email):


[Kiss of the vampyr]: hey hey! go to edit this page at the very top and write your name under [Ashes of Ael]

[A Dragons Hero]: or if your a wanna be ..... your in the right place!

[Aragwyn]: hey lil sis

[Kiss of the vampyr]: hi............ o.O

[Pyro Princezz]: BEINVENIDO!!!!

[A Dragons Hero]: hi jenny......... it's derrick

[Kiss of the vampyr]: Hey baby! ..... and everyone else.....

[A Dragons Hero]: HEY JEN! its derrick! finally another dude! sup man?!?

[Kiss of the vampyr]: im glad your happy derrick

[A Dragons Hero]: i know you are! ^.^ because the world revolves around me! o.O no wait.... It revolves around Alyssa

[A Dragons Hero]: does everyone not talk here?!?! does no one care! *tear*

[Kiss of the vampyr]: im sry! your not even a Puerto Rican! all you Boriqua's best be representing the Boriqua pride! and Derrick, plz do something about the comment b4 the last one you made!

[A Dragons Hero]: yea... sry

[Kiss of the vampyr]: thx! s ok!

[Pyro Princezz]: whatcha guyz talking about?!?!

[A Dragons Hero]: yea..... kinda between us!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: yea.... but anyways... whats everyone been up to?

[Pyro Princezz]: a whole buncha nothingness!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: kewl kewl!

[Pyro Princezz]: yupperz

[A Dragons Hero]: same here

[Acomplished Exile]: How do I join??????????

[Kiss of the vampyr]: BEINVENIDO

[Acomplished Exile]: wa huuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

[A Dragons Hero]: yea what she said

[Kiss of the vampyr]: it means welcome you moran! hey derrick i placed a bid on you yupperz i did!

[A Dragons Hero]: what did you say? was it pg rated?

[Kiss of the vampyr]: not really .... no! lol! but thats ok! lol

[A Dragons Hero]: o_O..................rated r?

[Pyro Princezz]: More like rated X!!!!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: it's not that bad!

[Pyro Princezz]: no i guess its not.... blow jobs arent that bad! lol

[A Dragons Hero]: omg! ALYSSA!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: what?1 what did i say?

[A Dragons Hero]: lol your crazy! but i guess its no worse then what i was bidding for you

[Kiss of the vampyr]: lol i read that! i'll take Puerto Rico but i'll pass on the sex

[A Dragons Hero]: awwwww my feelers arre hurt..... you know it felt good last time!

[Pyro Princezz]: omg! that was gross!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: yea you didnt have to say all that!

[A Dragons Hero]: lol sorry

[triad]: I Wanna join!!!!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: k i'll add you!

[Pyro Princezz]: yay! more ppl!

[Acomplished Exile]: what is the link so i can get the banner up?

[Kiss of the vampyr]: <*img src=*> but take out the *'s

[Acomplished Exile]: this place is dead

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Of course it is...It's an internet page!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: sorry but everyone is away for the summer! so.... yea! sorry!

[NICTE]: Wepriaaaaaaa, wepaaaaaaaaa y wiiipiiitiiiiiiiii....gente les voy a crear un foro en Forum...que dicen???

[Acomplished Exile]: Mas charra que eres pinkki

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Shutup you bunshole

[Acomplished Exile]: what does that mean?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: bunshole?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: buns-hole

[Acomplished Exile]: buns? hole?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: BUNS is what? and HOLE is what?

[Kiss of the vampyr]: you guys are hilarious! and bored i may add! have fun!

[Acomplished Exile]: dude pinkki you are missing the point, what is buns?


[Kiss of the vampyr]: omg you guys are terrible! ok lets all calm down! breath in and breath out!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: We know each other from school

[Kiss of the vampyr]: ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ic ic!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yeah, he's a bunshole with a cocky smile

[Kiss of the vampyr]: lol then why do you talk to each other?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Cuz he's a funny cool bunshole and I can talk to him without being afraid of being judged...LMAO...That sounded so sweet ^^

[Kiss of the vampyr]: lol kool kool

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yeah, lmao...He's a nice bunshole

[Kiss of the vampyr]: lol i c

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You see everything, don't you :D

[Acomplished Exile]: im a nice bunshole, wel well well, fair enough

[Kiss of the vampyr]: yes i do! i see EVERYTHING! things you wouldnt believe i see what is in other people's minds!

[Acomplished Exile]: lol.........................tripea!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: yes, indeed...What is in my mind? o.O Not my brain, I hope

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: No, that's not it!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: then what is?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: o.O I thought you KNEW!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: no i dont know..... sry! =\

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: HA!!!! HA HA HA HA!!! No sabe na no sabe na

[Kiss of the vampyr]: thats not very nice!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm not nice :D

[Acomplished Exile]: She is a self proclaimed bitch plus she is hot. killer combo there

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Oh yeah! Killer!

[Acomplished Exile]: in her boobs?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: mmmkay...

[Kiss of the vampyr]: wow you guys are stange ppl! maybe thats why my mom made me move from puerto rico! =\

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Nah, it's just the water in our school...It's contaminated!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: lol ic!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yep, another thing that blinkie eye of yours sees o.O

[Kiss of the vampyr]: really?!?! i didnt know that!!!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: seriously i did not!

[Kiss of the vampyr]: i no right?!?!?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ohh yeah

[Kiss of the vampyr]: so anyhoo..... whats new?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: nothing, just reading me bookling^^ You?

[Acomplished Exile]: I'm goign to read a book of a girl named veronica and how she killed herself, right veronica?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Right, Andres!

[Acomplished Exile]: lol isin't she cute?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: NO, I AM NOT

[Acomplished Exile]: lol hahahahaah(she is hot*)

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm ugly and that's why I am here. So, leave me alone

[Acomplished Exile]: fugly that is*

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Pardon me, FUGLY

[Acomplished Exile]: she is liek the fugliest thing on earth, like oh my God make her go away!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I am away, you schmuck

[Acomplished Exile]: aha! numba 4.schmuck. lets see if you have the courage to call me all that in my face

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I'm not afraid of you o.O

[Acomplished Exile]: You will be lil miss1

[Acomplished Exile]: You will be lil miss!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yeah, I wanna see that, lil chien

[Acomplished Exile]: hahaha. chien. Nirma tought you a lot of shit schmuk

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: You jewish now?

[Acomplished Exile]: wtf?why? did I say a jewish-statement?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: schmuck is a jewish insult >.<

[Acomplished Exile]: you used it first on me, you are the jewish1

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: lmao...I did it cuz I remembered Cartman...He'd die before saying schmuck

[Acomplished Exile]: hahahaha, damn you and southpark.................chapelle kicks ass, okkay!!!!!!?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: noooooooooooooooooo....I don't like him....

[Acomplished Exile]: oh well, pa lso gustos los colores, by the way this a dead puerto rican wiki, shame

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: george carlin rocks though^^

[Acomplished Exile]: helll yeah, i disagree with his ideals, he is way to liberal, he is a true asshole but he is so damn funny

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I love satiric comedians, and he is the spokesman for the cat

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: short for category

[Acomplished Exile]: ah muy nien, pero el rey es robin williams he kicks ass

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: fijate, i like his movies...but not so much his stand up cuz...every three second he says fuck, shit, fucking, motherfucking,motherfucker, asshole....DUDE he is such a potty mouth...Me molesta >.<

[Acomplished Exile]: mano y entonces carlin?ese cabron si que habla malo con cojones y no son fucks, son cokcs y madre de las palabras y williams habla de mas cosas, n ose, se tripea a los a paises, a tol mundo.............pero si escupe cuando habla jajajajajaja

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: yeah, but carlin tiene variedad.....williams usa na mas esas y lo seguido >.< 

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Ha ha!!! Y toma agua con cojo....yo vi un stand up del una vez...te juro que se tomo como diez botellas

[Acomplished Exile]: si, y parece que la bota toda pa tras, esta sudado tol tiempo jaja, el es caballo y se acabo!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ha....i saw him playing tennis once...he looks like a squirrel...LMAO

[Acomplished Exile]: jajajaja. andre agassi rules!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ese mismo

[Acomplished Exile]: dump the comp. watch some espn!

[Acomplished Exile]: rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrotflmaol

[Acomplished Exile]: really reallly reallly really really really really really really roling on the floor laughing my arse off

[Acomplished Exile]: lmao, that was funny-yes im crediting myself for saying somethign funny, bunny!

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: hey! shoutz to all others out there!

[Acomplished Exile]: this place is dead-when i stumble with the words, they remind me that, they remind me that everythign is deads

[A Dragons Hero]: i'm sorry the place is dead but you guys should spread out the word to other boriquas out there about this place!

[Acomplished Exile]: i think this is bull-proud of what? i aint proud of sila nor anythign right now, its a countles list of names of ricans wantign to leave over to the states

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: wat u dont no....

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Deveel is a wannabe US citizen. He is inlove with Bush

[Acomplished Exile]: Bush is heaven sent

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: that is argueable

[Acomplished Exile]: lol i KNOW, she jsut overplays----------------if only my kute bunny would open up

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Open up to what? That pink tractor beam of yours? No thanks. I have an open mind. I don't like Bush.

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: i don't really care for either of them but i think i would probably go 4 kerry at this piont

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I don't personally like either of them. But I prefer Kerry. Bush has had his chance, and he is as inarticulate and stuttering as he was when he started. I think, if anything, Kerry can do a tad better.

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: ya same. i mean he's alright but im dun with him. its kinda sad to see this guy who can't even talk right as the head of our country.

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Exactly.

[Acomplished Exile]: you ppl dont know hoey what you are talking about, honestly............for starters.............altleast bush hasses values and wants more laws to make america safer..............kerry wont even fucking speak the gay marriage issue- he did not say im pro or not, he spun away, he stumbled with the words. he is a fat ass failure....not a leader, a fucking rebel.............fuck off keerry

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: First of all, I haven't heard Kerry speak, but he can't be worse than Bush. I am more fluent and eloquent than that redneck, he's been four years in office and he still speaks like a third grader doing show and tell. Tell me, what values does Bush have? What laws has he approved? Bush, quoting him, says he is a :warrior: president, and blamed Hussein who was no threat. Just because he didn't choose to say where he stood in gay marriages makes him a failure? BULLSHIT. Enough with your bias, it's getting annoying. We know your stand, you've made it clear. Now shut up, please.

[Acomplished Exile]: i wont shut up......................what the fuck matter his spelling?liberal. his values-primarily unlike Kerry he is agaisnt abortion-kerry is ok with millions of generations going down the drain evrry yr. that alone makes me sick................laws such as patriot act kerry wants to take away....................and most of all the iraqis are free, non of you ignorantts see that, all you see is negativity

[Acomplished Exile]: pinkkki like you said, you dont know of kerry, dont speak, you are speaking ignorantly.

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: i don't no much of either. but i think bush had 4 years to make his stand, and if he actually had such brilliant ideas, (which i don't think were his), so the way i figure it, bush had 4 years to acomplish wat he sez he will do now. i think he had his chance and realy didn't do much with it. so i say give someone else a shot.

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: DID ANY ONE SEE THE WIN AGAINST U.S. IN THE OLYMPICS?!?!?!!?!?!?!

[Acomplished Exile]: hell eyah we won!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!we beat the dream team!viva pr!now im proud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hell eyah!!!!!!!!!!!!arroyo is my main man!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!from here its on too the gold..................and back to topic..........kerry is the same as bush, really, and a lot of things went wrong cuz of 9/11, i mean if gore had been in place the conomy would have been down and war woud've happend anyway, who ever was president was boudn to be a war time president.

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: look wat i did! <img:> (fans of the dream team will b after mai blood! oops! oh well!) ya! we won!!!!! as for that i dunno wat to tell u...

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: the beautiful image of the coaches!

[Acomplished Exile]: the look on marbury and duncan was better, it was priceless

[Elvish Dragon Fire]: ya but this was the best one i could find in my hyperness, i might still make another one.

[Acomplished Exile]: wi jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii we have a 2-1 record, not to shabby

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: ....You're celebrating?

[Acomplished Exile]: we could be better, say 3-0?that loss to that otther team sucked. fajardo can kiss my ass

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: I don't think they want to.

[Acomplished Exile]: he should, he suks

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: oh, Fajardo is a guy?

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Que se yo

[Acomplished Exile]: si, el mas meirda del equipo............sharif fajardo

[Acomplished Exile]: shit we keep losing................fajardo keeps on sucking, why those he fucking shoot from the 3 point line?he is a fucking forward for god sakes, get in you wimp, pound the boards!julio toro sucks

[Acomplished Exile]: ^ lo mucho que sabe nuestra veronica de baloncesto

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: Yep yep. Que diache me importa a mi el baloncesto?

[Acomplished Exile]: jajajaja, se puso a la going to take a look in your diaries, there is soemthing bothering you

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: YOU are bothering me. Leave me the fuck alone.

[Acomplished Exile]: jhahahah im the only one connected while the rest of you sukc jenne up

[Sweet Intoxication]: did anyone notice that boricua is spelled wrong???!!!

[Miss Pinkki Doodles]: well, yes, d'uh? we know how to spell boricua...y'know

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